Meet Dr. Amanda Norton, N.D.

Picture of Dr. Amanda Norton, N.D.

I specialize in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. This is my passion. 

A large part of my work evaluating and managing aging for my patients is the prescription of comprehensive bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women, in addition to other internal medicines.

In addition to internal medicine, I also evaluate and manage my patients for acute or chronic joint injuries or joint problems caused by aging or diseases. I specialize in the evaluation of joints using blood tests as well diagnostic physical exams and ultrasound and in the treatment of joints using a variety of regenerative medicines, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and autologous mesenchymal stem cells from fat tissue and bone marrow, as well as ozone, dextrose, and many other regenerative therapeutics as needed to reduce joint pain, and heal / regenerate or anti-age the joint, so that my patients can get back to enjoying their mobility and their life!

In addition to regenerative medicine in the area of interventional orthopedics, I also perform regenerative treatments for my female patients to restore or improve their sexual health and performance, including our clinic’s proprietary version of the “Orgasm Shot®” also sometimes called the “O-Shot®,” which we call the Better Orgasm Shot™.

I’m a native Coloradan transplant to the Pacific Northwest. My heart for people began at the University of Northern Colorado where I earned a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology with a minor in Biology and Chemistry. In my senior year at UNC I participated in the honors program where my research in nutrition was the result of my own health journey that reversed my own thyroid and vascular disease.

My passion for having my own best health led me to develop the same passion for helping others develop their full potential health, which led me attend the National University of Natural Medicine where I earned my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine.

When I’m not helping my patients reach and experience their full potential health I like to enjoy life. In my spare time, when it’s raining all of the time I enjoy reading fantasy fiction books, and when it’s not raining I enjoy doing all things outdoors, including hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, and getting my Jeep muddy.

We Have Helped Thousands of Men & Women Just Like You

Are you suffering from symptoms and diseases we’ve all been told are just an inevitable part of getting older, when in fact they’re really caused by low testosterone and possibly by low levels of other hormones, which can be treated? 

Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction or other sexual health complaints? Have you been told that this is just another inevitable result of getting older? Are you wondering if there’s any way that you can have a robust and vibrant, enjoyable sex life again?

Are you suffering from chronic joint and body injuries and pain that are preventing you from enjoying your mobility and activities?

Are you getting older, and wanting to keep your younger, thicker, smoother, and more vibrant-appearing skin?

Are you having trouble preventing weight gain or losing weight despite doing everything that you can think of in terms of diet, exercise, and other lifestyle measures?

If so, then it’s really important that you see a doctor with expertise and successful experience evaluating and managing these diseases by prescribing testosterone and comprehensive hormone replacement therapy, and other anti-aging and regenerative therapies for men and women.

Our distinguished team of physicians and staff has more than 10 years of experience successfully treating thousands of men and women near Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington, helping them to live and perform to their full potential quality of life, health, and longevity. 

Call (971) 438-2700 for more information or help with scheduling an appointment.

Click here to request a call to answer any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment.