Let’s Talk About POTENTshot™ for Men
POTENTshot™ for Men for Restoring Male Sexual Potency
POTENTshot™ for men is our proprietary alternative to the Priapus Shot® also known as the P-Shot®. The POTENTshot™ is a non-surgical, anti-aging and regenerative treatment for the penis that is clinically proven to improve male sexual health and performance.
We are not permitted to call our procedure “Priapus Shot®” or “P-Shot®” because these names are protected by US Patent & Trademark Law. Click here to learn more about what the organization that owns these registered trademarks has to say about the Priapus Shot® and P-Shot®. From our clinical experience during the last several years, we can confidently state that our patients experience the same results as patients who receive the PriapusShot® or P-Shot® from certified providers who pay the monthly marketing and other fees in order to call the procedure the “Priapus Shot®” or “P-Shot®.”
What is the POTENTshot™?
The procedure is quick, simple, and is not painful. First, we perform a blood draw. Next, we apply a topical numbing agent or local nerve block. While your tissue becomes numb, we use our proprietary system to concentrate the regenerative and growth factors from your blood into a solution of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The PRP solution we create is 7 – 10 times concentrated with these regenerative and growth factors, which is at least 3 – 5 times greater than the PRP concentrations most of our competitors will be able to create and use. Lastly, we inject the PRP in a proprietary manner into the erectile tissue of the penis, where these regenerative and growth factors need to work their magic in order for men to experience their desired results. The entire process takes less than an hour.
You will be able to drive yourself home following the procedure without any difficulty. We recommend that men wait at least four hours before engaging in sexual activity. Otherwise, there’s no downtime.
What are the Potential Benefits from POTENTshot™?
- Longer, thicker, and harder erections
- Longer-lasting erections
- Increased sensation and pleasure
- Stronger orgasms and ejaculations
- More youthful-appearing penis
- Individual results and patient experience may vary
How Quickly Might I Experience Benefits from POTENTshot™?
Many men experience noticeable improvement in the first 24 hours; however, most of the time men will experience noticeable improvement within a few weeks. The POTENTshot™ stimulates stem cells and other similar cells in the treated tissue to regenerate and restore tissue. It takes about three months for the full regenerative effect to take place. Men who follow our recommendations for post-operative care and adjunctive treatment will experience significantly greater improvement than those who do not.
Adjunctive Treatments
Depending on our patient’s presentation and goals, we will usually recommend adjunctive treatments, such as the use of daily tadalafil or other medications, certain vacuum erection devices (penis pumps), penis extension devices, penis rings, or other simple rehabilitative or supportive tools.
One particular adjunctive treatment that we often recommend that men add immediately before their POTENTshot™ procedure is the POTENTwave™ procedure, which is our proprietary alternative to the GAINSWave® procedure.
The POTENTwave™ procedure is a clinically proven method of applying certain low-intensity extracorporeal shockwaves to the tissue of the penis that works by regenerating and repairing old and damaged blood vessels, including those of the corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum. This means improved blood flow to the penis, improved capacity of the penis to fill with blood, and an improved ability of the penis to trap blood once it’s there. These are the three keys to improved erectile function.
When the POTENTwave™ treatment is scheduled and performed immediately before the POTENTshot™ procedure it causes the injected platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the POTENTshot™ procedure to work hand-in-hand with the mechanisms of action of the POTENTwave™ procedure, creating the potential for a significantly increased overall response. The stimulation from the POTENTwave™ procedure also causes the injected PRP to remain in the tissue of the penis instead of leaving the area, meaning the tissue of the penis benefits from a stronger regenerative and growth response from the injected PRP. Patients tend to experience significantly more cumulative benefit when they schedule these procedures back to back than they experience when these procedures are not scheduled back to back, but are instead scheduled at separate times. We recommend that patients schedule POTENTwave™ as a series of two treatments per week for either three or four weeks in order to maximize the benefits of the treatment. The best time to schedule these treatments back to back is right after the first POTENTwave™ treatment of the series of six or eight treatments. Click here to learn more about the POTENTwave™ procedure for men.
For men with testosterone or other hormone deficiencies, we will usually recommend testosterone or other hormone replacement therapy, so that they will experience significantly greater results, especially much greater long-term results from the POTENTshot™ procedure.
What are our Patients Saying?
Sign me up for another injection. My erection quality has sky-rocketed after my initial PRP shot. I am very pleased. I have recommended this procedure to several of my friends. My sex life has improved immensely.P. G. a 48 yo male with progressive ED
The procedure is worth it for anyone struggling with a painful curvature. My symptoms are much more mild and I am able to have better sex due to firmer erections. The procedure did not cause me any pain. I would like my wife to get the women’s procedure now.H. S. a 62 yo male recently diagnosed with peyronie’s disease
Schedule Your Evaluation & Exam
Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction? Are you looking for a serious solution to restore your potency? It's important that you see a doctor with expertise and experience and a successful track record for evaluating and treating erectile dysfunction. We've helped thousands of men with erectile dysfunction since 2012. We've successfully treated hundreds of men with our proprietary POTENTshot™ and POTENTwave™ erectile dysfunction treatments. POTENTwave™ is a quick, easy, painless, and potentially extremely effective treatment. Call (971) 438-2700 now or click below to request an appointment online to see if you're a good candidate for this revolutionary treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Can the POTENTwave™ erectile dysfunction treatment be used to prevent erectile dysfunction?
Yes, absolutely. In addition to preventing erectile dysfunction, it can be used to further enhance erectile function. It can increase firmness and ability to maintain an erection even if one doesn’t experience anything that one would call actual erectile dysfunction. It can improve sensitivity of the penis, by recruiting stem cells that grow nerve tissue. My only precaution is to be careful not to use it too much so that one doesn’t make their penis too sensitive. I use POTENTwave™ personally in order to not only maintain excellent erectile function but to OPTIMIZE it. I want to have my erections be at their full potential too as I gracefully age.
Can POTENTwave™ be used in addition to other erectile dysfunction treatments?
Yes, absolutely. Many men who initially suffer from mild erectile dysfunction just won’t need to do anything else besides POTENTwave™, because they’ll quickly no longer suffer from erectile dysfunction, but for men with moderate or severe erectile dysfunction for whom it will take more time for them to experience sufficient improvement of their erectile dysfunction POTENTwave™ works very well – and actually works even better – when used alongside any of the most commonly prescribed treatments. Depending on the case, for men with severe erectile dysfunction we often recommend one or more of these other erectile dysfunction treatments so that they can experience maximum improvement as quickly as possible.
How is POTENTwave™ Performed?
After getting you comfortable in our exam chair, we apply a numbing cream and then give it several minutes to work, and then we apply ultrasound gel to the skin of the shaft of your penis, as well as to the erectile and muscular tissue in the area between your penis and anus, and then we apply the LI-ESWT device to send soundwaves into these areas in a specified regimen for 30 minutes.
What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is defined in many different ways. Based on our experience with thousands of men, our physicians choose to define erectile dysfunction as the inability of a man to achieve and / or maintain a full and potent erection while engaged in sexual activity.
How common is erectile dysfunction?
Very common, but its prevalence is under-estimated, because men don’t go to the doctor, and when they do, they don’t report it. As it is, it’s estimated that more than 50% of men over 40 years old, and more than 70% of men over 65 years old suffering from at least some significant degree of erectile dysfunction.
What causes erectile dysfunction?
The most common cause is atrophy (shrinking and weakening) of the penis along with its blood vessels, nerves, and structural components due to aging. A large part of aging’s contribution to erectile dysfunction is that it leads naturally to severe testosterone deficiency either before or at andropause, along with other hormone deficiencies. The next most common cause by far is decreased blood flow to the penis due to cardiovascular disease. The next most common cause by far is decreased blood flow to the penis and nerve damage to the penis due to diabetes. A less common, but still overall common cause of erectile dysfunction is that it is a side-effect of a medication. For example, antihypertensive, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressant medications are notorious for causing erectile dysfunction, as are many other medications. POTENTWave™ ultrasound erectile dysfunction treatment can be used to treat erectile dysfunction in all of these cases.