Testosterone Maximizing Therapy (TMT) – Increase Testosterone Production & Fertility for Men

Full Potential HRT Clinic in Portland, Oregon has provided several hundred men with testosterone maximizing therapy (TMT) to increase their own ability to make more of their own testosterone and to increase their fertility by prescribing medications and other treatments that enlarge their testicles and increase their testicular functional capacity. Our team of physicians set the standard for testicular maximizing therapy (TMT) for men 10 years ago, and we have been trailblazing ever since. We provide our male patients with TMT through our Gold Standard Concierge TMT Membership. This membership is the foundation of our approach to providing many of our male patients with anti-aging and regenerative medicine to help them to experience their full potential health and longevity for whom fertility is also a major concern. We provide our member-patients with the option to add an array of additional anti-aging and regenerative services, including management of a variety of other hormone deficiencies.

Our Revolutionary Approach to Testosterone Maximizing Therapy (TMT)

We understand that the reference ranges labs use for testosterone and fertility don’t really matter. Reference ranges say that only 2.5% of men have low testosterone and fertility, and on the other hand 2.5% of men have testosterone and fertility that’s too high! That sounds absurd because it is. What’s more is that these reference ranges are often only made from males who are 18 – 40 years old and we know that most men ages 18 – 40 years old aren’t necessarily healthy anyway. For our male patients our target range for free testosterone and fertility is the top 2.5% because we have found after thousands of patients and 10 years of experience that this is the range that helps our male patients to experience their full potential health and quality of life!


We can determine whether a male patient is a good candidate for testosterone maximizing therapy based on the results of their initial comprehensive baseline blood panel. One thing that has been universal is that every male who has ever scheduled an initial evaluation and consultation at our clinic has had very low testosterone. What can vary is how much luteinizing hormone they’re making. We determine a free testosterone to luteinizing hormone ratio – a revolutionary and proprietary concept! If this ratio is above a certain value then this means that the candidate may be able to significantly increase their own testosterone production by taking a few simple medications – not including the medication testosterone. When testosterone is increased in this manner our male patient gets the side-benefit of also significantly increasing their fertility. For male patients who are concerned about their fertility we do recommend that they get a baseline semen analysis performed. We have kits in our office that patients can use conveniently at home to get online results quickly. When our male patients on TMT repeat their semen analysis after being on TMT for four or more months they are usually very excited to see significant overall improvement of their fertility as well.

Successful Testosterone Maximizing Therapy (TMT) for Men With Low Testosterone & Fertility Requires the Expert Prescription of TMT Medications

The foundation of successful testosterone maximizing therapy (TMT) for men with low testosterone requires the expert prescription of the “Quadfecta” of three TMT prescription medications in addition to targeted supplementation along with ongoing blood testing and follow-up.

Enclomiphene Citrate

Enclomiphene citrate works by selectively blocking estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland, which tells the pituitary gland that there’s not enough estrogen, which stimulates it to produce more LH and FSH to stimulate the testicles to make more testosterone and sperm, as well as some estrogen. We prescribe a dose of enclomiphene citrate that is potent enough to block these estrogen receptors. How potent the dose must be depends on the individual.


Anastrozole works by decreasing the conversion of testosterone made by the testicles to estrogen. By decreasing the amount of estrogen produced there is less estrogen available to land on the pituitary gland and turn off LH and FSH production, which means more LH and FSH are produced to further stimulate the testicles to make more testosterone and sperm, as well as some estrogen. TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY SAFETY FIRSTBy preventing excessive production of estrogen we also increase the overall benefits of testosterone maximizing treatment, by preventing estrogen from out-competing testosterone for testosterone receptors in the body to reduce the benefits of increased testosterone levels and also by preventing overall high estrogen levels, which will cause adverse effects of estrogen dominance in our male patients.

Gonadorelin or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

Most of our male patients on testosterone maximizing therapy (TMT) require either gonadorelin or HCG in order to significantly increase their testosterone and fertility. Gonadorelin works by stimulating the anterior pituitary gland to produce more LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) which in turn stimulates the testicles to produce more testosterone and sperm, and estrogen. MAN HAPPY WITH TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPYThis medication strengthens the natural production pathway much better than HCG does. HCG works by appearing to the body to be LH and FSH and directly stimulating the testicles to produce more testosterone and sperm, and estrogen. Unfortunately, HCG does slightly suppress the anterior pituitary’s production of its own LH and FSH, and it also does tend to cause more production of estrogen in the testicles compared to gonadorelin.

Both of these medications work very well for our male patients; however, during the last few years human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) has become very difficult for our patients to get, so we have mostly prescribed gonadorelin since then instead. Most of our patients on TMT as well as most of our patients on TRT use gonadorelin and are very happy with the results they experience from using gonadorelin. About 2.5% – 5% of our patients respond better to HCG than they do to gonadorelin. For these patients we will prescribe both. They will use HCG when they are able to get it and will switch back to using gonadorelin any time they run out of HCG.

Supplements to Increase Testosterone & Fertility

For our male patients on testosterone maximizing therapy we also always recommend some targeted supplementation aimed at improving testicular functional capacity. These supplements are simple and not expensive and make TMT more effective for our male patients.

Sometimes You Need More Than “Quadfecta” Testosterone Maximizing Therapy (TMT)

Properly prescribed TMT is intended more for younger men as well as older men who suffer from symptoms of low testosterone and for whom fertility is also a major concern. Sometimes more than Trifecta TMT is needed to significantly increase testosterone or fertility. Sometimes it can be helpful to discuss and address dietary and other lifestyle factors to try to further improve results. TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPYIn cases where testosterone levels haven’t increased sufficiently, and our male patient continues to suffer from symptoms of low testosterone, we may switch the patient to testosterone replacement therapy while continuing to use frequent and large doses of either gonadorelin or HCG to see if this can maintain or increase fertility while further increasing testosterone levels for greater therapeutic effects. In cases where fertility hasn’t increased sufficiently, we will refer the patient to a fertility specialist who will have more diagnostic and treatment tools available.

Our Gold Standard Concierge Testosterone Maximizing Therapy (TMT) Program for Men With Low Testosterone & Low Fertility

We Have Helped Thousands of Men Just Like You Who Suffer From Low Testosterone & Low Fertility

Are you suffering from low testosterone and low fertility? Have you been told this is normal? Have you been told you have to undergo intensive and expensive specialized fertility testing and treatment? Are you looking for a second opinion? Would you like to feel better and be more fertile?

If so, then it’s really important that you see a doctor with expertise and successful experience evaluating and managing men with low testosterone and low fertility by prescribing testosterone maximizing therapy.

Our distinguished team of physicians and staff has more than 10 years of experience successfully treating thousands of men near Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington, helping them to live and perform to their full potential quality of life, health, and longevity.

Call (971) 438-2700‬ for more information or help with scheduling an appointment.

Schedule New Male Patient Blood Draw & Expert TMT Consult (2 appointments including blood draw & lab results) For Only $500